Mercury Rising back on track 2nd December

Fri 2 Dec 2005 10:16
Although heading for "home", still making some South, to keep clear of forecast confused light winds on the direct line from our current position. (How do you confuse a wind?)
New safety feature undergoing sea trials; we are getting 175 watts of output from the deck speakers, so you can still hear Led Zepellin when sail changing on the foredeck. (And they say the winds are confused .... ). We find passing traffic taking avoiding action well before we come into radar range. The entrepreneurs on board are already developing the fully marinised version for the mass market after, of course, persuading ARC that it should be a mandatory feature next year.
Life on board much as usual, except that a brief lucid period intruded this morning, when stocktaking showed a deficit in next week's refreshments. Much gloom descended until missing  cartons discovered in another of MR's 75 storage compartments, many of which have yet to be charted.
DwD  having second thoughts about career as a latter day Dr Doolittle. Plans to communicate with flying fish put on hold, when one impaled DwD who, instead of seizing the learning opportunity, leaped onto the coaming screaming "Get the horrid thing off me!". FM, late as usual to the scene of action, arrived in time to witness, as he perceived it, the birth scene from Alien, as the offender emerged from the front of DwD's lifejacket. FM retired in shock, to resume bottle emptying duties. DwD now seen on deck less frequently, and then only in full body armour.
More anon .....