Dances with Dolphins

Sun 27 Nov 2005 16:45
Heading further south, to avoid small high pressure to the west of us. Only time will tell if this works as well as the less imaginative direct route those ahead of us have taken. Some may think its the Skipper's ploy to make sure there are plenty of people in St Lucia ahead of us to help him with the parking.
Crossing the 22W line engendered a sense of well being on board the like of which had not been experienced since the first mate's feet washing day. However, the idiot who e-mailed home that we have at last entered Ellie* is still on the keyboard doing some damage limitation.
First Mate announced today that he has perfected the art of communicating with "our" dolphins in their own language. This came as a relief to the crew, who assumed he was dealing with a serious problem with his dentures.
Relief short lived; First Mate last seen studying the flying fish, and muttering "I wonder what they're thinking ....".
We've just realised we must be one of the "pirate boats" reported in the area. Skipper detoured last night with the aim of negotiating with a local fishing boat to exchange a couple of packs of Marlboroughs for some of the fresh tuna from our hold. Locals fled at sight of Skipper bearing down on them, replete with red sarong and three days' growth, boat hook in hand.
Skipper, incidentally, is putting out that we are short of electrical power. We know it is just a ploy to curtail freedom of speech, but don't worry, Stowaway has another transmitter hidden under his bunk, so the world will still get the true story. 
Oh, yes, Stowaway... more on that story later...
* Sea area Ellie, from 22 degrees west.