Fri 25 Nov 2005 20:14

Its just like the three day week on board Mercury Rising today; we have been using too much electricity and now skipper has ordered emergency power rationing. With immediate effect all sunbeds and jacuzzis have been turned off, we are no longer allowed to use the washing machine and tumble driers and even the airconditioning ha been turned down. A few hours of battery charging on the engine should restore normality, and we can go back to our chilled Chablis as is our wont.

More concerning is our huge stock of tuna steak (see logs passim) which is languishing in the fridge.

At least the winds have returned, so spirits are high even though the beers are warm.

Lunch Menu

Fresh Pan Fried Fillets of Fish with Teriyaki sauce and garlic, served with hot French bread rolls and home made egg mayonnaise.

Dinner Menu

Oven Baked Tuna steaks with and pasta in tomato sauce

Water Melon