The Provisions

Buoy 'N Sea
Phil and Trish Littman
Sat 17 Nov 2007 03:37
If you plan on living on a boat for weeks at a time you'll need plenty of food and water. The day before our Sunday departure, we caravanned to B.J.'s wholesale on a shopping spree of essential (and non-essential) food items.
On the list of purchased items:
Dark chocolate
Fun size chocolate bars
Instant Potatoes
Ramen Noodles
Energy Bars
Bottled Water (lots)
Canned Meat and Fish (tuna, chicken, shrimp, crab)
Canned Fruit (peaches, fruit cups, mandarin oranges)
Dried fruit
Starbucks Coffee
Lunch meat
Italian Sausage
Various soups
Baked Beans
Black Beans
Toilet paper
Moist toilettes (for bathing, there is shower head on deck)
...and much, much more.
The bill (That first number is a "6")
Ok, we have all this stuff, where are we going to fit it all?
Waiting for permission to board.                                                                                             Everything in it's right place.
We first broke down the food from its original bulk packaging. Labels on canned goods were removed since moisture and mold can collect on labels and corrode the cans. A list was kept noting how many of each item was stored where. Great care must go into how the supplies are stocked due to the banging of the waves on the boat. Trish did a great job keeping everything organized and on schedule.
Phil fills the storage bin under the starboard settee.                       Does this remind you of college?
The green material at the bottom of the picture on the right is the lee cloth. One end is attached to the bunk and the other end is tacked to the top of the cabin to keep crew from falling out of bed.
As for the food, all of it fit with room to spare.