Wet wet wet

Lion King
Mr Roy Ellis, Skippered by Geoff Evans
Tue 13 Nov 2012 11:57
Position 17.22.9N 034.44.9W
What a day yesterday!!! Three subtropical downpours with visibility down to
zero in the heaviest rain, the radar was just a screen of yellow and blue. Winds
peaked at 35 knots and Lion King flew. Then no wind and engine on, then within
minutes back in strong winds again. Pretty much the same overnight but today the
sun is doing its best to win the battle, the temperature has increased and the
wind has moderated a little too much, another 10 knots please wind god. Apart
from that all is good, the crew are slowly getting into routine and the routine
is what keeps us sane!! Sleep when you can because the downtime is always
interrupted by the noise of the boat, banging, clanging, squeaking, rocking
rolling. Some cope better with sleep deprivation than others. We are
nearly half way with 1547 miles to run, nearly in the middle of the Atlantic
Ocean. Traditionally, we stop for a swim but we will reserve judgement on the
Thats it
Take care back home
Till Tomorrow
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