Finally We Turn!!

Lion King
Mr Roy Ellis, Skippered by Geoff Evans
Sat 10 Nov 2012 12:09
Hi All,
At 1010 we finally made the turn to go west, our position 18.04.32N 26.44.93W. To celebrate we opened the chocolate stash and all had a good old sugar fix. Today also saw our very first fish, Ok so it was a flying fish and it jumped aboard rather than us actually catching it, but still a fish is a fish. The wind is still in our favour and we continue to cruise along at an amiable 7knts . The rest of today shall be spent trying to find the elusive bangs, bumps and squeaks that like to keep everyone awake of a night time, whilst Nat is busy creating an upside down chocolate banana cake! We shall let you know tomorrow how that turn out!
That’s all for now, until tomorrow....
The good old crew of Lion King.