LOG DAY 4 - a rocky rolly sea

Sat 1 Dec 2012 18:37
30th November 2012
Position; 21' 18'.055N  , 025' 58' .933W
11am ; 204 miles in last 24 hours
Quite overcast today, a big rolly sea and frequent squalls. We put a reef in the main which makes breakfast and life in general a lot more comfortable. About 2pm the wind drops and 3/4 hour later we gibe to head more west. Nathan ends up on the wrong side of the sheet durng the gibe and he's lifted off the deck saving himself by hanging on to the stays. The fishing line is out but Ronnie says we'll never catch anything in this sea state - he's right. Later we find something has taken another of our precious lures and still nothing to show! There's a lot of heated discussion, mostly from Nathan, about our watch system as he is feeling sleep deprived. However the skipper has the last word and current system to remain as is. All crew in good fettle, settling in to life at sea nicely after our rude awakening on start day. Gordon even turns his hands to culinary skills and we have the beginnings of a mango salsa! At 3pm we shake out the reef and after further discussion all agree to stay on starboard tack and helm through the night. It's a squally , cloudy night but we're making good progress at a steady 9-11 knots all night - topping at 14. Nathan has taken to the helm like a fish to water!
Jus'do it crew on a rocky rolly sea