Greetings from Roker

Hamish Tait, Robin Hastie & Jim Hepburn
Sun 25 Jan 2009 20:40
Landed in Newcastle 13th January.  Only a temperature difference of 30 degrees!
Great to meet our new grandson, Jamie.  (Latest photo with oldest grandson, Jack)  Extra treats include warm showers, flushing toilet.................and bacon butties!
Brought back Anne's laptop for repair - still within guarantee period.  PC World proved MOST unhelpful - no chance of turning round the repair before we leave again on 31st January.  PC World technical department referred me to their Customer Service Department who referred me back to the technical department.  Guess we're in an endless loop!  Found a local company, Falcon Computers, who have been extremely helpful. - problem sorted!  Had arrived with an ext(p)ensive list of IT purchases - needless to say, Falcon Computers are getting the business!
We return to Cameroon on 31st January, and hopefully to Zidim on 1st February.  We say hopefully as we don't know whether or not the flights from Yaoundé to Maroua are operational - nothing to do with transport in Cameroon is reliable!

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