Nearly half way

Sat 23 Jul 2022 14:04
It turned out that the issue with the autopilot was my fault! We run a 24 volt system, so I switched the actuator to 24 volts when we were commissioning, as I know our autopilot motor runs off 24V. Anyway the clutch runs on 12v, and by switching I put 24V through it, resulting in burn out. You live and learn…..
…and we are so glad of George now. We departed at 2000 last night but the promised wind has failed to materialise and we are cooking! If the windless trip continues, this becomes an exercise in a refuelling strategy. So next stops are likely to be Ibiza, then Sardinia, then Sicily.
We will pass our halfway mark today, with about 1230 miles to run at noon today.
SV Betsy
Noon position Saturday 22nd July 2022
36.28.62N 03.24.43W