34.58.7n 10.22.0w

Sat 11 Sep 2010 17:01
left lagos 13:30 fri on a 215degree course to the
canaries (not the greatest passage planning challenge known to modern
light force 2 ne winds strengthened to northerly
3-4 through the night and has kept us under sail for 28 hrs over a distance of
170nm. we are now off the african coast to the south of tanger and 1degree
north of rabat.
weather is dry and good vis with winds remaining
northerly 3-4 blowing us down our desired course. sea conditions have been tall,
cross and choppy with the consequence that all movement needs to be carefully
planned lest one's intended progress is added to by the boat's motion and one
meets a hard object at speed.
the bimini combined with large cross seas
meant that last nights helming was a challenge with star fixes
only working when standing on the helmsman's seat while hanging on grimly
to the bimini poles. eventually we put aside power use and handed
over to the autohelm. solar panels and the tow generator are now
in use with the latter cutting around one knot off our
that's all for now folks, just a quick line to give
you a position and reassure that all aboard are fit and