ARC + 7

Sun 28 Nov 2010 10:26
Hi All
We had so much time yesterday motoring in flat seas
we forgot to do a blog. The wind came up just before dark about 6pm and we
have been creaming along at between 6 and 8 knots through the water in 10 - 12
knots of wind. We should reach our waypont off the Verdees late this
afternoon where we can turn and head west to St Lucia. ' Ra Ra ' says
James is planning to catch another big fish watch this space. Hopefully you can see the picture of the fish
James caught, does any one know what the fish is? Sorry, but you are going to
her a lot about this until James catches another!
The sun is shining, the seas are calm and the wind
is steady 10 - 12 knots true and we occasionally hit 9 knots and above through
the water..
Lawrence is taking a sextant reading again and he
has faithfully promised to tell me where we are when we get to St Lucia, at the
moment he is still in Yarmouth!