Nolhivaranfaru, North Thiladhunmathee Atoll, Maldives 06 41.722N 73 06.845E Tuesday 15th February 2011

28 miles from Uligan we left in very light winds so motor sailed the whole way
arriving at around 2pm when the light was good. It was very shalow with
plenty of current as we entered the entrance that is now marked with two sticks
with the depth getting as low as 0.9m below the keel, perhaps if we had gone
further to the east it would have been deeper as friends who arrived a few hours
after us did not have such shallow depths and they kept more easterly. On leaving we kept
more easterly and the depths were around 4m under the
keele. It
was the most beautiful spot anchored in the large lagoon and we regretted
staying just the one night however it was disappointing to find there were no
fish and the water was rather cloudy, presumably with sand washed in from the
nearby sand island.
The island had a largish village which we sadly did not
visit. We
had a peaceful and restful night. Our
plan is to catch up with Scorpio who is a few islands ahead of us.