More waiting
Thu 18 Dec 2008 23:06
After borrowing a plug spanner (from the skipper of
Serendipity for those who know Trellis Bay), cleaning the plug as well
as I could, and taking bits off the outboard only to put them back on
again, it's working! Trellis Bay was too windy to go through the process
of moving the motor off it's bracket on the pushpit and onto the dingy so only
tried to start it when we got to Fat Hogs Bay much more sheltered in the winds
we have had this week. I almost hugged the engine I was so pleased with
it, we now have an understanding of some sorts I'm sure. Only thing to do
then was to find the adaptor to enable me to inflate the dingy properly,
hire car for 24 hours and a tour of the chandlers of Road Town and we have the
required adaptor. Get back to the dock where I left the dingy and pump
waiting for a triumphful return only to find the adaptor doesn't fit the
pump!! Another trip in the 'bendy bus' back to Winny and another
modification to a part and we are in business. Now if only we can find the
valve covers that fit........
Other than that excitement the waiting
continues, I spent an hour and a half at immigration waiting for an
officer to grant me an extension to my visa, they will issue a maximum of one
month on arrival. That accomplished I went to the National Parks office to
get a permit for our guests arriving this weekend. By now it's 3.45pm and
I was told to come back in 20 mins as the official was out, on my return I
was told by said official they stop taking money at 3.30 and they close at
4.30. Glad I didn't have to then wait for a taxi I was not best
pleased with my days efforts.
No1 told me on Tuesday the agent was sure that
our latest shipment had arrived in Tortola. No luck with the phone number
so off to the airport. Liat had no record of our boxes and the
phone number I had was not the correct one anyway. That was Tuesday,
Wednesday was taken up with officialdom so today with the last remaining hours
of car hire I went to the airport, arrived at 0830 left at 1100 after a call
from Liat's Ms Joseph who tells me as far as they know the boxes are due to
arrive in Antigua tomorrow i.e. they haven't left the UK yet!! So
much for having everything ship shape before the others join us. At least
there will be four of us to remember where things are.
Tomorrow is a last clean up before the weekend and
people, fairy lights climbing up the mast in the salon is the closest Winny
might get to a Christmas tree but looks quite festive and welcoming I
think. Safely back in Trellis Bay ready to walk up to the airport
tomorrow, collecting people not cargo I guess.
Bon Voyage all see you