Waiting for a tube. Thusrday 27th.

Thu 27 Nov 2008 17:10
Things are arriving thick and fast just 1 tube short of thick enough.  The DuoGen our power source when we are out and about has arrived with DHL but is 3 boxes, there should also be a tube with the delivery.  I'm hoping the Mr DHL is holding the tube to ransom until I pay the duty on the lot. If not we may have to find it in the system somewhere.
Good thing is Winny had a full survey yesterday and came through pretty well.  She spent a couple of hours suspended on the lift at Tortola Yacht Services, then Mike the surveyor had me on the winch to get him to the top of the mast for a rig inspection.  Managed to get him up and down safely so we will get the report he's not still dangling there.
Winny is now back at the Phase Out dock getting things sorted out that were apparent in the survey.  Then we can get on with cleaning up and getting settled in. A little rearranging of gear to correct a list to port is first on the list, this was very apparent yesterday as we lined up in the lift for the haul out, I think with all the vertical structures around it was very obvious.
Sea is blue, sun is out and wind in the channel looks about a 3 so, other than one cruising chute nipping along there are alot of Bobs bobbing along today.
More when we have a full consignment..  Alyson