Thursday 14th July

Thu 14 Jul 2016 18:08
A very enjoyable 24 hours. Conditions started to calm down so we were on single person watches last night. Each crew member on their own for 3 hours
between 9pm and 9am. Between us we saw quite a few commercial vessels in the distance, on the instruments, but nothing close enough to make any course
changes. Vicki's cake went down very well as a midnight snack with the inevitable cup of tea.
Most of the crew decided it was time for a shower today so the watermaker was put into action. We all decided it is not so easy showering in a small boat rolling and pitching through the waves.
With conditions a bit easier Vicki has recovered and is back to eating, drinking and talking. Not only that but she baked a fantastic loaf of walnut bread for lunch, which went down very well.
We changed the sails to main plus poled out genoa to give us a bit more speed now the wind is down to 20kts or so.
David tried a bit of fishing but the line disappeared, don't know whether it snapped or something too big for me took hold of the lure - I will never know.
Progress is very good, we have just over 100 miles to go to Porto Santo, where we will stay for 2 or 3 nights, it is then a short hop of 40 miles down to Madeira itself.
White Satin