Nearly half way 15:59.187N 041:38.567W

Alan and Avryl Broadbridge
Tue 24 Nov 2015 13:27
We have various projects to do today-
Mend the broken boat hook - which will take most of the day - bits of steel tube, pot rivets an finally of course - gaffa tape!
We will put our spare water in the main tank when it is slightly calmer - that is a "manana project" at the moment as we still have 250 liters in the main tank.
We had a quiet moon lit night so we all got a better sleep.
We had beef curry last night Ala Avryl and tonight it will be Goulash Ala Andy. We only have vacuum packed beef left for the next few days and then it will change to sausages, tuna etc.
Don't worry - we still have plenty of rations left, except Alan is complaining that we are eating "His" jaffa cakes - it's tough being the captain!
Well of to do chores! Bye Bye for now
love and hugs
Avryl Alan Andy and Colin xxxx