Antigua - Anguilla

Hi All, apologies for
the delay. This and the next blog was written 2 weeks ago and I thought that it
had posted, but it seems that we had some 'technical issues'....i.e. the
blog was too split in two it should work now..
So, the last time we updated you was when we had left Montserrat. We
headed over to Antigua so that we could easily fly over to Barbados where we had
to have an interview to get a US visa...the Americans with their obsessive
boarder control require you to have an interview if you are arriving on a
private boat...bonkers really, when they let bombers fly in by plane!
As we came into phone
reception, we called up a likely looking marina to reserve a berth, clearly
giving our boats length (47ft), and they confirmed that this would not be a
problem. As we arrived at said marina, it seemed that we had got the wrong
place....each boat there was a minimum of 100ft long, with most being at least
150ft. When we called them up on the VHF to confirm whether we had got the right
one, they confirmed that yes we had! So, we ended up nestled up between a whole
marina full of 100-250ft long superyachts....and Trippy (see the red arrow on
the photo below!). The amazing thing was that most of their tenders were the
same length as our boat! Well, we thought that there must be a 'normal' people’s
marina around, but on having a wander around, unless you are at least 100ft
long, you are very much the odd one out! The major issue came when trying to get
ashore - all of the pontoons were 6 ft above our deck, which meant some pretty
impressive gymnastics to get ashore…. I am not renowned for my gymnastic prowess
(ohhh, don't be so modest I hear many of you say to yourselves...isn't that
right?!) and having to 'catch' Jennifer when returning to the boat was all very
well, but I had a strong suspicion that if it had to be done with any rum punch
inside me, that I could get into a lot of trouble when
the inevitable dunking ensued!! The following day we decided to move
around to a marina in the next door bay (
On the way over to the
marina, we came out at the same time as a yacht called Mirabella V.....for all
of the sailing geeks out there, you will be very impressed by this bit of tittle
tattle (for the rest of you, I would move on!)...but it is truly amazing, with
the tallest ever mast built at just under 300ft, it is seriously impressive from
a distance.....and then as you get closer, you get an idea of scale when you see
a person on you can see below!
We received a very
quick introduction to the superyacht world when a member of the sailing club
that I am a member of, and a super yacht skipper himself saw the burgee and
came over to introduce himself and very kindly asked to a barbecue the following
night. The barbecue was
thoroughly entertaining. It would seem that once you have an introduction into
superyacht crew fraternity, they are all amazingly friendly. When they asked us
what boat we were on, and we told them where we were moored up last night, a
couple of people said, oh yes, I know, the little blue hulled one (which was
actually moored just down from us)....errrr not exactly. The blue hulled one was
a 63ft shipman...we were only 47ft.....and if a 63ft boat was little, I dread to
think what they thought about our little toy! It is a very different world that
they live in, and was fascinating to hear their tales...particularly the one
about the skipper who managed to ground Mirabella on a
Having booked flights
to So, we arrived at
the The following night, we
went out to dinner with Andy (the chap from the sailing club), and his parents
(also from the same sailing club), had a fantastic meal and then made
tracks west the following day. We were very happy to move on from Antigua
- there are certainly lots of dark undertones there, with several people that we
spoke to having been mugged, last year there was a skipper murdered in English
Harbour, and even whilst we were there a girl off a cruise ship was murdered on
the beach in the next door bay to where we were
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