La Coruna - Lexios

set off around lunchtime, after saying goodbye to Miles’ father (thank you once
again for all of your help, it was hugely appreciated), with an objective of
heading south.
original destination was the anchorage at either Corme or Lage, however, a
north-westerly swell combined with seemingly being the biggest boat in the bay
by about 40ft, resulted in a change of plan, and a motor towards
steady 8 knots took us the remainder of the 70 mile passage to Camarinas by
about 9pm and negotiating the tricky entrance at night. The leading lights, however, were very
clear, and a rather small pontoon was our home for the
time to explore what looked like a pretty fishing village, as the revered
21st September
de Camerinas - Baiona
Rather sanguine conditions meant rounding the
wind again, so we motored the 80 miles or so towards
22nd September – 28th September
having left Falmouth in somewhat of a hurry, Miles jumped on a plane back to
London to catch up on the work that he had left behind, whilst I realised that
a) Spain is bigger than I thought, and b) the French and Spanish clearly don’t
like each other. In the time that
Miles had researched how to get to
stayed in Baiona for another couple of days stocking up on supplies, and trying
hard to do the sorting that we never quite managed to do in
28th September
Baiona to Lexios (
had a couple of hours of fantastic sailing, reminding us quite why putting up
with the discomfort of living on a racing boat rather than a cruising boat is
well worth it, before the wind started to die down, and the engine was back
Admittedly, the engine initially came on as (perhaps due to our slightly
over active imaginations and a few too many films), after we convinced ourselves
that not only was the boat behind following us, but that they were drugs runners
intending to board our boat and hijack it (…they were acting very
strangely). Out came our stash of
arrived at Lexios marina around 6pm, and were greeted by some very enthusiastic
marina attendants, informing us that the lovely large, wide space that we had
chosen was too short, and that we were to follow them. What we hadn’t realised was that they
were leading us to the narrowest, smallest part of the marina, and wanted us
moor in between two of the largest boats in the marina. Never before have I seen a marina where
all of the small boats moor in the nice wide spaces by the entrance, whilst the
large boats moor opposite each other in the narrowest, hardest part to get
in. We had little choice but to
carry on, however, as by the time we could see where they intended us to go, we
had gone too far down this narrow channel to be able to reverse out again. Somehow, I’m still not quite sure how,
Miles managed to rotate the boat in an area smaller than the boat itself (less
than an inch from both the boat in front and boat behind), and moored in the
smallest space physically possible (he used to do this with his car too, hmmm),
to the helpful shouts of the marina attendants of – “you’re fine, straight,
straight”. Helpful tip for anyone
coming to stay here - if your boat is bigger than the length of a small dinghy –
anchor outside, or at the very least, moor up on the reception pontoon, and ask
where they intend putting you before going
Lexios was a strange place. It was dominated by the commercial
docks, (and smell of rotting fish from the fishing fleet) and very much a
satellite of
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