Leaving Las Palmas for lots of water....
SY Tosca
Ashley Atkinson and Nathan Golder
Fri 4 Dec 2009 10:23
24:34:98N 018:32:50W
Well we finally got away on Wednesday morning, it
is now Friday am and we are beginning to get into a settled routine. ie
sleep!! We have had plenty of wind so far , if anything a bit to much at
times it was gusting 40 knots plus Wed pm. The wind is more settled
now at 20 knots but very big rolling waves so we are just running south
with them until we get to the trades then will head west.
All's well onboard, no problems with Chester he
sleeps most of the time....
The boat is holding up well, no problems and she
feels very safe and solid through the waves, we get picked up every minute and
go surfing down the roller and our SOG can go up to 9 knots!! We are
making a very respectful 6.6 knots average and should be on target to get there
before Christmas.
For the yachties .....we have a poled inner
staysail out, full genoa to wind, also the mizzen is fully up to wind which is
helping to hold our stern from rollling with the waves. Our COG is
280 miles covered as the crow flies
2483 miles to go to Martinique
love to all
ashley, nathan and
chester |