48.10.42N 10.01.74W

Sun 30 Jul 2017 16:37
Hi guys
New waypoint in now “Start point” 280 miles, although we have to
navigate shipping separation zones etc
We expect a busy 48 hours negotiating through all the commercial traffic,
today we have already seen 5 ships, which is more than the total we had seen up
to today.
We had a tidy up and clean down, followed by a shower, Wal has refused
showers since 19th ! no matter how we try to persuade him, unfortunately he only
has x2 set of clothes
But i guess its all fair as he took no part in the cleaning.
So we are now out of boat water but have a good few bottles left, so can
freshen up on Tuesday when we expect to arrive.
We have been doing a fair bit of “goose wing” sailing with main on one side
and the genoa on the other, We use a pole to hold the gen out and this has taken
a hammering,
We set it up this afternoon as the forecast is for the wind to be blowing
up the channel so we expect to be poled out “goose wing” or spinnaker. However
some bits have broken off the pole, but our out of the box thinking came up with
a solution, using wooden wedges, the pole now looks like it has a wine cork
sticking out of it.
May be a bit of fun taking it down, not sure what the harbour master will
say about us coming down into Salcombe with 3m of pole sticking out the side of
the boat!
Wal has been a bit evil over the past 2 days, which is a shame considering
we have to everything for him, dress him, feed him, get into his bunk etc.
From day one we realised he was not physically built to winch, or work out
side of the cockpit etc, so we try and find him tasks he could do, this quickly
boiled down to making coffee and tea
however he had not seen a marine cooker before so Pete set about training
him how to turn on a hob.
FYI to light a hob you use x1 knob, to control the gas and x1 button to
light it.
You also have to hold the knob in for a few seconds once the hob is alight,
this is a safety procedure, if you don't hold the button in the gas gets cut
So Pete begins training on day one,
by day 2 they have verbal checklist going, which Wal has yet to
Mark and i hear them both reciting
Knob in
Turn Knob
Press red button
hold knob in
(count) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
let knob out
put kettle on
This takes 3-4 days before Pete declares Wal as proficient to boil
Wal now assumes the role of the fountain of knowledge with regard to
lighting a hob
He ventures into the galley whilst Mark is cooking something on a
Wal declares, “this gas isn't on”
“yes it is mate”
“no i am telling you, you haven't lit it correctly”
“the gas is on wal, trust me”
“it bloody well isn't”
at which point Wal removes the pot and leans towards the hob for closer
“"“Careful Wal you will burn yourself”
“How can i if the gas isn't on”
Mark gives up
Wal then leans over the hob to see if he can hear the gas coming out,
his comb over falls over his head and ignites, Wal is swearing at every
body and every thing, whilst Mark an ex fire investigator, throws a tea
towel over Wals head and calmly says
“ i told you the gas was on Wal”
2 days later
I am on watch with Wal, and to keep him as involved as i dare,
i suggest Wal makes us a hot drink,
This is a ruse to get Wal out of the cockpit whilst i do some sail
trimming, having done the sails, i sit back and star gaze, some time later i
realise there is no sign of Wal,
I lean over the companion way and look into the saloon, at first i cant see
Wal, but can hear him muttering, leaning over further i see Wal kneeling down in
front of the cooker still muttering,
the boat is sailing north which means Wal is facing east, Surely not!
I can then make out what he is saying
Push knob
push red button
Push knob
push red button etc.
“Wal, you have forgotten to turn the knob,”
yes yes yes
i never got the drink,