tantrum 44.35.57n 21.29.49w

Thu 27 Jul 2017 04:41
hi all from now i will only put up info to the blog, so check it daily dont
panic if we go dark it will be the fkn sat phone playing up
a good day yesterday real laff thanks to Wal who is entertainments
As i came up the companion way in the morning i saw Wals hat fly off, it
landed in the dingy, which is on davits on the back of the boat, with unusual
nimble reaction Wal followed it, he was sitting at the helm, with as directed
his hands in his pockets, and dived over the guard rail into the dingy,
still hands in pockets. {due to previous accidents, Wal is only allowed at the
helm when auto is on and he keeps hands in pockets}
as ever the man now know as community care worker, Mark; managed to grab
wals coat before the dingy tipped and deposited him in the atlantic
I changed the watch rota just to give the said community worker a break,
and instead of sharing watch with Pete, i volunteered, to go with Wal and put
Mark with Pete.
All good
My watch came on at 11pm last night, at least i did; once we finally woke
Wall who had slept well since lunch time, with ear plugs and blindfold on; we
all retired on deck for a coffee, leaving Wal to get ready.
Sometime later Wal appears with his life jacket in his arms, before i could
say “put it on before you come on deck” Mark puts his hand up and says “leave it
to me”, at which time Wal dutifully sits opposite Mark with his life jacket held
out before him.
The next 20 mins where the funniest of my life, i am sure Pete can say the
Mark un beknown to us has been dressing Wal each Watch,
Wal obviously embarrassed to have been outed, about his inability to master
the lifejacket keeps trying to complete the manouvre without Marks help, we were
crying with laughter, hopefully Pete has some images. Wal completley
ties himself up to the point where he is unable walk due to knots in the straps
around his legs, the bulk of the jacket is sideway on his head, tilting his
glasses 45 degs, this went on for a good 20 mins. Finally Mark calms him down
and outs it straight.
its now 05:30
we are in yet another wind hole and under motor.. when this msg goes i hope
to have anew wind forecast in my inbox, meantime all is tiptop, Pete is feeding
us well and getting well into the ocean sailing groove, good crew member for
trips out of Dartmouth.
Mark is rock solid, like a machine, cleaning, housekeeping, soux chef,
knows all the ropes; just like a community care officer should.
Wal is one of the nicest guys i have met, and ceaselessly keeps us
entertained. |