46.27.62n 13.21.59w

Sat 29 Jul 2017 15:42
banging miles out today, beam reach 20 knot winds, just settling back to
16kn, but still pulling 6.5-7kn so 150 mile a day
bang on course for scillies to get inside the marine traffic separation
zone. then right turn up the coast.
Going to risk a shower day tomorrow, hopefully still have enough water for
a final shower on tuesday.
could do with getting straight onto Normandy pontoon if anyone can pull any
strings? We will need water and beers.
sun is out and drying off our wet gear from the past 2 days . I am the only
one awake as all the others soak up the heat and dry out. We have turned the
corner today and all see the finish line ahead, All eyes are on the speed
Bilingual Wal
I am now getting the gist of Wal. Whislt on watch last night he was telling
me all about crewing for Edward Heath, which led onto his time mixing in the
politics of the UK this included frequent lunches with John Major as well as
shepherds pie with red wine every friday night at
Geoffery Archers house.
This got me thinking back to when we arrived at Delgardo and Wal was
already here, as we walked down the pontoon he was telling us how impressed the
locals were with his portugese, i asked where he learnt it,” on the algarve
whilst staying at a mates house”. pretty impressive. When we arrived at the bar
Wal said he would order the drinks, we all got our beers and Wal had a whiskey,
although i am sure he said he was going to have a red wine. in hindsight i
should have given this more thought.
Next morning was the mission to get the batteries charged, so Wal being
fluent i allocated him the task as interpreter for me, whilst Pete and Mark got
the provisions in.
Wal and i found the taxi rank, Wal went off to tell the driver we wanted a
taxi to a garage to buy a battery charger.
It appears Portugese is not so different to english
WE WANTO A TAXIO FOR THE BATTERYO. i was a bit taken aback and
thought Wal was having a laff, but he appeared confident that he had it right,
the driver however seemed confused.
At least I did not have the same concerns as Mark, when getting a taxi with
Wal back from another provisioning trip, Wal jumps into the taxi and said
TAKE US BACKO HOMO, Mark half expected to be dropped at a gay bar.
I guess you all think we have it in for Wal, truth is we all love him, he
is a heck of a character, sure there is no way he should be on this trip, he is
not physically strong enough and does not have the first clue about sailing.
However if you could see (i hope to get some video) the way Pete and Mark help
get his wet weather gear and life jacket on, and guide him into the cockpit
before buggering off to bed whilst leaving me to look after him for another 3
hour watch.
next instalment may be the Wal and the cooker, still gets
me laughing as i type this. |