Message from Inmarsat-C Mobile

Zims is where
Sun 4 Jan 2015 23:59
CC:zimoffshore {CHANGE TO AT} gmail {DOT} com
Position report Jan 4
Position Report
| BOAT | WIND | SWELL | | | |
No| CALL |TIME| POSITION |Cse|Spd| | |Cld|Bar |tend|
| | UTC| Lat. Lng. |d T|Kts|Dir|Kts|Dir| Ht| % | hPa| |
1|WDH7317 |2350|17 01 N 053 43 W|295|6.5|75 | 21| 60| 2 | | |
So tonight as I pulled the fishing lure out of the water a whale popped up to see what was going on. He looked me in the eye and and then swam off .... what an experience ... we looked around for a while to see if he'd show again ... but I never saw him.