Message from Inmarsat-C Mobile

Zims is where
Sat 27 Dec 2014 22:17
CC:zimoffshore {CHANGE TO AT} gmail {DOT} com
Position Report dec 27
Position Report
| BOAT | WIND | SWELL | | | |
No| CALL |TIME| POSITION |Cse|Spd| | |Cld|Bar |tend|
| | UTC| Lat. Lng. |d T|Kts|Dir|Kts|Dir| Ht| % | hPa| |
1|WDH7317 |2150|13 49 N 32 05 W |300|6.5|80 |12 | | | | | |
Greetings from the Atlantic! Today has been another hot, sunny day with a nice breeze that allowed us to run the spinnaker for a couple of hours. No fish unfortunately, but plenty of seaweed insted. Who thaught there would be lots of seaweed this far out? One thing on the list I wrote named "Things I would like to google if it was'nt another 2000nm before I get internet again". It's a pretty long list.
The boys even smell nice now, we treated ourselves with both showers and laundry today! Well, we all needed it..
Part from that, we have feasted on fruit salad, tuna melts & a lovely dinner of minced meet beefs cooked by Marcus himself! That's all from me tonight, now it's time for my watch!
Night night from Barbie (Emma)