Happy new year!!!

Zims is where
Wed 31 Dec 2014 21:01
Rehua is in Cape Verde...I will email them. I am on the ferry now... It 4 pm. I am going to see emily for the night. Looking forward to it!
I am really really missing you...do you miss me? I know you never mis anything or anybody but thought I would ask. Mary said you called her and they were are all thrilled to hear from you....I hope I get to hear from you.
I went to the shop and got the things on our list...
Please let me know if there is anything else...
Seems like your cruising along... The weather looks steady with 30s in the forecast!
Please please give me a projection of time?
Hope the kids are doing well.
Remember to read, and brush your teeth....once a week is not enough!
Looking forward to be together in the caribean ...it will be nice to relax!
The weather here has been good warm at first but now getting colder!
I miss you and love you
Please be careful!!!
Love, your wife... Lol