Lanzarote to Grenada, day 11
Stravaig'n the Blue
Wed 20 Jan 2021 22:33
End of day 11 position: 19:34.3 N 038:15.5 W Position timestamp: Wednesday 20 Jan 2021 12:00 UTC-2 Distance travelled last 24 hours: 169 NM Reduction in distance to destination last 24 hours: 157 NM Distance travelled total: 1672 NM Average speed since departure: 6.3 knots Shortest distance to destination: 1439 NM ETA based on shortest distance and average speed so far: midnight on 29 January (20.5 days in total) After our chance encounter with Charlie Dalin and Apivia earlier today we recorded our second best distance travelled in 24 hours (169 vs 171 NM on day 5) and our best ever reduction in the distance to go (157 NM) at noon. It is tempting fate but I’ll say it anyway … we are past the half way point, both distance and time wise. We had been expecting the easing of the wind that Dalin mentioned when we spoke. In fact, the average wind speed was 20.2 knots at 08:00, down from 21.6 at 05:00, and it continued to decrease for much of the day: 17.0 knots at 10:00, 14.6 at noon and 13.2 at 14:30. It has picked up a little bit since then but, after over a week of winds in the 18 - 30 knot range, it is a relief for things not to be so full on and for the seas to be calming down as well. All is well. Allan |