Lanzarote to Grenada, day 10

Stravaig'n the Blue
Tue 19 Jan 2021 22:04
End of day 10 position: 20:54.9 N 035:45.7 W (1729 NM north of Cabo Branco, Brazil) Position timestamp: Tuesday 19 Jan 2021 12:00 UTC-2 Distance travelled last 24 hours: 146 NM Reduction in distance to destination last 24 hours: 139 NM Distance travelled total: 1503 NM Average speed since departure: 6.2 knots Shortest distance to destination: 1596 NM ETA based on shortest distance and average speed so far: the wee hours of 30 January (20.7 days in total) On our 2016 crossing it took until the end of day 13 to get this far west - and that crossing started in Tenerife which is a day closer to the Caribbean than Lanzarote. So, four days quicker so far and it is only the end of day 10. Much of the slow progress in 2016 was due to light winds and then being completely becalmed for a day or so. As a consequence we clocked up 68 engine hours, all at very low revs to conserve fuel. So far, this time, the engine hours total is three. All is well. Allan |