Calm'15 draws to a close

Tue 15 Dec 2015 20:17
Another wishy washy book bites the dust today, this one a Peter Robinson crime novel thing, in which the flawed detective bumbles through various crimes scenes, has awkward meetings with ex and potential future partners, sits in numerous pubs being appalled by other stereotypical police officers and behaves as affable passenger rather than “detective” as a few slighty-related crimes gently unfold and are kinda gently 'resolved' rather than are Aha!-solved! Oh well.
Nice sail today, although in non-Bx-authorised wind to 9knots from E. So the wind died by mid-afternoon and the real genuine approved wind is due later today or early tomorrow. Dramatic skyscapes with sweeping high-altitude cirrus clouds, all thin mares tails in profusion and no low-level fluffy stuff. I think it means things are changing up there, so hopefully some reliable wind at last.
Oh, and the Bx wind appears to be making an early appearance - a reliable NE 8-9 knots is giving me 4-5 knots SOG to the SW in mid -evening. Engine off and have a go with that into the dark.
Mindelo is still 200nm away south and I hadn’t planned to stop - I think I have enough fuel for generator and watermaking etc … unless it is incredibly fabulous … and I haven’t heard that it is?
More later ….