The end of the season

John & Jane Craven
Tue 28 May 2013 22:38
How quickly it comes around! When we planned in February to haul out in May, it seemed like ages away, and yet here we are in the Admirals Inn hotel relaxing with Pat & Stuart from Brizo, before we fly home tomorrow evening.
Yesterday was a long day - we had the alarm set for 5.30am in order to be ready to leave the dock by no later than 7am to get into the slip good and early. The winds were fortunately very kind to us, gusting up a bit earlier on but as we reversed into the slip the wind quietened down and all went very smoothly. We had Stuart on his dinghy and George from Antigua Rigging on our dinghy taking the place of the bow thruster, John on the helm and Pat & I on board together with Ian from another boat in the marina as deckhands. The whole team worked wonderfully well together and before we knew it we were safely docked - phew!

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In the slip

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The riggers removing the back stays prior to lifting

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Up she goes..

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On dry land ready to be power washed

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Safely secured in her cradle between Sylvia and Brizo

There are just a few last minute jobs to be done now, the engine, generator and air conditioning need to be cleaned with fresh water and that is it for now. Antigua Rigging will be looking aft her for the next few months and co-ordinating various jobs - as she is now 3 and a half years old, she needs a bit of TLC to keep her in tip top condition for the next phase of her adventures through the Pacific Ocean.

So that's it from us for now. We will be at home until 29 October and the blog will resume then.

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