Tonight is the fancy dress party with the very original theme of "The Sea". This is a photo of the crew of Seaduced all dressed up and ready to party. For those of you who are not nautical the boys are dressed as cardinal marks, north, south, east & west, and I am dressed as a marker for a recent wreck!! This is not the insult it might seem however - I was going to be a 'special marker' but the costume makers felt that plain yellow would be too dull!! A huge thank you goes out to Annemarie for making the outfits and to Ellie, Lance's daughter, for making the headgear. What the boys hadn't realised was how difficult it was going to be getting off the boat via the dinghy in long dresses!
On arrival at the party we were told that we were the 4th set of cardinal markers, so our 'original' idea was not so original after all! For some unknown reason, despite being the most photographed team, or so it seemed we were robbed of the prize for the best dressed crew!