The aftermath of Superstorm Sandy

John & Jane Craven
Tue 30 Oct 2012 01:18
Amazingly, the kitchen staff had managed to rustle up some breakfast and this passed some time. We then sat watching TV and drinking coffee for the rest of the morning looking at the coverage of the devastation and hoping not to see any footage of the marina.
As it stands now, the subways will be closed for at least 4/5 days and some people may have to wait up to 4 weeks to get their power reconnected. Due to the lack of power, the hotel is getting colder now and the hot water is limited, you have to get up early for a luke-warm shower. In a lot of ways we will be better off if we can get back to the boat, we have a generator for power, hot water and full water tanks, filling these was one of the last things we did before we left her in case of shortages after.
We did debate trying to get to the boat today, but the weather was still too bad, the area where the boat is is still in the flood zone and the parks are still closed meaning we would have to risk life and limb to get there and then break into the State Park! By tomorrow though, things will have settled enough to return. Going back brings mixed emotions, in some ways I want to go and see what has happened, but am almost scared to face the outcome if it is bad news. I keep trying to convince myself Seaduced is safe - quite honestly if good wishes alone could keep her afloat she will be more than fine!
By 6pm, it was too dark in the room so we are now back in the bar, playing cards and waiting for bedtime.
The bar is beginning to resemble a refugee camp, people are just sitting round drinking, eating and playing cards as this is the only place with power. As you walk down the corridors downstairs, people are 'camped out' around working electrical sockets trying to charge phones etc.
Since this morning we have had very limited phone signal and no wifi at all either from the hotel or our own dongle. We are trying as far we can to keep people updated by phone and text will continue to do so. We will update the blog as far as possible.
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