Sixth night at sea. Lovely calm conditions - I’m sure i shouldn’t write that, as wind not ideal for racing in a heavy boat but is much more comfortable and fun to be on watch with stars and slurping noises from the waves trying to get on board. They didn’t.
Yesterday afternoon was spent in shorts enjoying sunshine and (relative) warmth. Harriet made sausage casserole with Mylor Butcher’s sausages. Very good. Haute(r ) cuisine than Fray Bentos which we may be subjected to if we don’t get there by Sunday eve.
This morning is now sunny but wind dying all the time. We are lucky if we can do 5 knots in sub 8 knots of wind, so increasing likelihood that we won’t be in until be Sunday, even late pm Sunday, at this rate.
Harriet reading her Kindle in the sunshine and we are both contemplating FOOD. Cold lamb and salad for lunch with a glass of red? This evening we may have a beetroot risotto.
Much searching for noble sea creatures but none yet have visited No flying fish, even. Maybe the sea needs to calm down for another day.
At noon today just 248 miles to NW of Sao Miguel. An infinite distance at the speed….
Stop press: Wind is now almost zero, so bobbing around with Betty flapping. But we did get our first fish - Photo attached.
Just a small one...
Lamb from Wednesday night
Harriet gone loopy