April 1st Update

SV Sawdust
Brent and Lisa Nettles
Wed 1 Apr 2020 23:15
Good Afternoon,
We are currently located at 8:02.173S 140:04.804W and
moving along but rather slowly. We had good winds just after we left Hiva Oa
yesterday but then the clouds built and we had some rain and then no wind.
We put a reef in late in the afternoon so that itwas done for overnight but
then it was not needed. We currently have 6 to 9 knots from the east and we are
headed almost due north. But at only 4 to 6 knots, wish that was an
April Fools but it is not...lol. We only covered about 123 miles
yesterday, yikes!
We put the lines in yesterday and of course had a fish
on both when the winds were strong and it was rough, we had to try and slow the
boat down but to our disappointment we had a bonita and the other we had to
check the fish chart for, it was a nice size Rainbow Runner but we threw
both of them back. Gave us some excitement for a bit though.
But all is well and we are just into day 2 now so
hopefully the winds will pick up some and we can increase our daily miles.
Hawaii here we come, eventually......
Love to all and we will keep you posted!
Brent and Lisa
p.s. Rosie says hi too and poor thing cannot figure out
why are are around ALL of the time....