Saturday Update

SV Sawdust
Brent and Lisa Nettles
Sat 14 Mar 2020 22:36
Happy Saturday to everyone!
We are currently at 6:37.192S 121:40.151W and winds are
still light at about 9 to 13 knots so we are making still about 6 knots on
average. But still sailing and flying the spinnaker. No fish today,
but I completely left off the blog yesterday the fact that we saw a humpback
whale! It was just off the port side of the boat, about 80 foot away and
we could see the whole back! That was pretty awesome. We could only
see the one but we figure there were more.
But all is well and we continue to make progress.
We had a nice night last night and had fewer clouds so there were lots of starts
and the guys were able to see the Southern Cross. We flew the spinnaker
all night so it was pretty quiet with no noise from the boom and just that big
ole sail pulling us along.
We are about the same longitude as San Francisco so we
are trying to set back our time gradually so that we do not have to take the 4
or 5 hour set back at one
Miss and love you!
Brent and Lisa