
SV Sawdust
Brent and Lisa Nettles
Thu 5 Mar 2020 21:24
Good Afternoon,
We are currently at 02:42.749S 097:35.944W winds have been light since yesterday afternoon so hoping they will pick up soon!  We had to motor last night, we were only seeing 4 to 5 knots and that just wont cut it for Sawdust.  Today we have been able to sail, winds about 6 to 8 knots and moving about 6 to 6.5 knots.
Caught a couple of very small yellow fins that we threw back and one big eye tuna.  I, Lisa, was on watch this morning and saw fish jumping all around and decided to drop a line in and before my lure hit the water had the big eye tuna on!  I had to go wake up Brent in case it was a really big one!
All is good though and we are making progress. 
Love and miss you all!