OLIVIA AND SHENTON IN CAMELOT, 1,000 ISLANDS, LAKE ONTARIO (44:18.20N 76:06.00W) 20/21 July Shenton and Olivia flew into Toronto, and stayed with Jane and Oliver before taking a bus to Kingston to join us on Restless so that we could cruise the Thousand Islands. We had filled up with fuel, water and provisions, so motored the next morning to the Thousand Islands, and stopped the night at Constance Island, near the Bridge over the Americas. The next day we did a tiki tour around some of the islands, noting the half underwater boathouses everywhere. The islands have a mixture of names: Beaurivage, Sagastawika, McDonald, Fairyland, Huckleberry, Smugglers Cove, Dumfounder, Deathdealer, Bloodletter, Astounder, and one island has an outdoor church, in Half Moon Bay, in an ancient pothole, cut by glaciers millions of years ago. 25.7 we had a visit from the Ashbridge’s Bay YC Commodore, Bob and his wife Pat, and 3 grandsons, in a bay in Grenadier island. Many of the islands are privately owned, but some are public, we tried to go ashore for a walk, but the islands were quite flooded, or else their docks were flooded and forbidden for use. It is nice to go for a swim in the freshwater of Lake Ontario, if a little cold for some of us. A lot of people stop to talk to us when they see our NZ flag. 26.7 We left the next morning when some long thin cigarette-shaped motorboats dubbed ‘The Quebec Navy’ with roaring motors and loud music arrived. We motored back west across to Camelot island, appropriate for us as we were discussing Shenton and Olivia’s wedding plans. Olivia cut Consie’s hair. 27.7 started off with rain, but when it stopped Roland and Shenton put our Bic dinghy into the water and had a good sail in a light breeze. We have been missing our masts, and having to motor everywhere. The next day we motored across to Gananoque town to find a supermarket and to fill the Propane bottle. After a two km walk through town Roland and Shenton gave up and we just hope our other bottle lasts until we get back to the US. After provisioning, we motored across to Lindsay island for the night. 29.7 Shenton’s birthday started with swims, it was one of the most beautiful sunny days we have had this season. We motored back to Kingston, and the bridgemaster opened the bridge so we could anchor for the night upstream near the Kingston Marina. We went ashore to celebrate Shenton’s birthday with a lobster dinner. We came back to the boat to find a million mosquitoes and bugs stuck to the stern in the dew. We blessed our new mosquito covers over our hatches. 30.7 Shenton left on the morning bus from Kingston to Toronto, where he caught a flight back to Hong Kong. Olivia had another week with us. We went ashore to do laundry and buy fresh food, then set off east for our fourth trip down the Bateau Channel and back into the 1000 Islands.