End Aug. 2015, from SARDINIA to GENOVA 44:24.60N 08:55.40E

End Aug. 2015, from SARDINIA to GENOVA 44:24.60N
08:55.40E In August we concentrated on getting Restless to Genova for an original shipping date of 17.8, which was pushed to 31.8, but required many documents for both Genova and for Fort Lauderdale. One concern was all the food we had stocked up on for an Atlantic crossing, and the carrier did not allow any tinned meats. These eventually got dropped off at a church for distribution. Also we had to organise flights, always difficult from the boat with inconsistent internet, Olivia helped us from Hong Kong, with documents and flight bookings.
From Porto Cervo in northern Sardinia we set off north and motored through La Maddalena and to Porto Liscia, then left Italy and SAILED (does not happen often in the Med!) 27nmiles to Golfe de San Ciprianu, Corsica, France. Changed our courtesy flags over from Italy to France. Went ashore in Porto Taverna and had Corsican mussels followed by ice cream.
Time to leave France and return to Italy, remembering ABLE WAS I ERE I SAW ELBA .... and other useless things we learned at school! (Reversible phrase.) We stopped by Marina di Campo, then motored in the rain to Golfo Stella, Elba, and on to Porto Azurro, then Porto Ottone for Consie’s birthday, we had a seafood lunch ashore. We motored across the bay and anchored in the heavily fortressed harbour of Porto Ferraio, where we had been with our young on Reverie, 25 years ago. We went on a tour of Napoleon’s Palazzino, where he was exiled, with his folding metal camp bed and campaign desk.
20.8 Still over 100 miles to Genova, so we set off at 0615 from Elba, heading for mainland Italy, and anchored in La Grazie, La Spezia, a well-protected harbour, and recommended as a good place to winter over. We had heard a lot about Cinque Terre, 5 once isolated villages on the coast between Portovenere and Portofino, now connected by a railway and a walking path to the rest of Italy, and the best way to see them is from the water. All these villages are very picturesque, with ice-cream coloured buildings squeezed up against each other, previously only accessible by boat. We hopped up the coast to Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Punta Palma, and stopped for a walk up the hill at Vernazza, enjoying a wonderful sunset and an Italian meal ashore, then next morning we went into the last of the 5 Terre, Monterossa, and went ashore for a coffee and a gelato.
We motored 25 nmiles to Portofino, to make a quick tour of this tiny harbour favoured by the rich, famous and beautiful people. We anchored in nearby Sta. Margherita for a last swim in the Mediterranean, then motored to Genova harbour, watched by the eyes of hundreds of amazing Palazzos lining the shores. We saw the rusted hulk of the Costa Concordia, and found a friendly marina at Porto Antico, where we tied up and walked around Genova, with its contrast of enormous Palazzos and Churches, and narrow dark alleys.
24.8 We took a taxi to the airport, and Consie flew to England to be met by Pip and her mother Tessa, and our first grandchild, Mia. We had a couple of days together in Sunbury before Consie, Pip and Mia flew to Hong Kong. Mia, at 11 weeks, was an angel and slept the whole way, and clearly recognised daddy Gilbert at the airport. Consie will enjoy 2 months in Hong Kong, staying half of the time with Gilbert, Pip and Mia, and the rest with Olivia and Shenton. Also hoping to go to China to see Andre and Feyona, Feyona has been invited to make a sculpture for the Changsha Sculpture Park.
31.8 Roland and David prepared Restless for loading aboard a Dockwise ship, with a lot of paperwork and help from Olivia in HK. A G W & W P (which stands for All going well and weather permitting) she will arrive in the States around 17 September. Then Roland and David flew to Scotland for a few days before flying to meet Restless in Ft Lauderdale, where they will clear her through Customs, and put her away for the winter. David has lived in Ft Lauderdale and helped to find a dock for when Restless arrives in the States, and a hardstanding for the 6 months we will be in New Zealand. Roland will fly to Washington to go to our American niece Anne’s wedding to Aly on 26 Sept, and then he will fly to New Zealand to do some Maintenance. After that he will fly to Hong Kong to meet his first grandchild and to race in the Etchell World Championships with Bill. And we fly back to NZ on 9 November.
We are looking forward to Mia’s first Christmas, with Gilbert, Pip and Mia in the Bay of Islands, where she will meet cousin Flick’s 9 grandchildren. Olivia and Shenton will be having Christmas in the UK with Shenton’s family, and we are not sure whether to hope for SNOW! for them. We plan to return to Restless in the States in April 2016, but we will update our diary before then.