Daily Update 07 May 2009 - Safely Arrived in Academia Bay

Questionable Logic
Ewan Briggs
Fri 8 May 2009 02:35
Position: 00 44.7S
90 18.5W
We got into Academia
Bay early this morning (about 2 local time) and anchored well out from the main
anchorage for the rest of the night.
All seemed well
until dawn when we realised that we'd drifted south (away from the main island
fortunately). An inspection of the anchor line revealed that the shackle between
the rope and the chain had failed/come undone - so we'd left the delta anchor
and 20m of chain on the bottom in about 12m of water. Luckily we'd been tracking
our position as we anchored using Max Sea and were able to go back to the point
where we reconed it would be. After about an hours diving we found it, and then
managed to get down far enough to clip a line to the small float (thanks Dad for
your top tip - saved our kit today!!) and then retrieve the anchor and chain.
Not sure how the shackle came undone, but all the cable ties have now been
replaced with monel wire!
The rest of the day
has been pretty chilled out - meeting up with new crew Colin and Jemima and
exploring some of what Puerto Ayora has to offer. The guys from Galapagos Ocean
Services have been super helpful and we've started booking some diving and
snorkelling trips to fill the next few days - bring on the hammerhead