Clarence Town, Long Island, Bahamas

Position: 23:06.05N 74:57.512W Date: Sunday 27th April 2014 We left Little Harbour on Saturday morning and sailed the short distance up to Clarence Town. On the way we were overtaken by a thunder storm which gave the boat a good washing down and rattled the rigging around a bit. The anchorage is quite large, most of it too shallow for us to use, open to the north but otherwise reasonably protected. We found a suitable spot to anchor just outside the small marina there. There is a small community in Clarence Town, but being the weekend just about everything was closed. It actually has a couple of buildings of some architectural merit, both churches. They were built by a Father Jerome who was responsible for several churches on neighbouring islands as well. Welcome to Clarence Town. One of Father Jerome Churches. It looks as though it belongs somewhere in the Aegean rather than the Bahamas. Another church from the same architect. A view over the town towards the small marina and the anchorage: |