Rodney Bay Marina; St Lucia

Position: 14:04.447N 60:56.983W Date: Friday 29th March 2013 Whilst we were in Las Palmas, last November we met a couple on a Malo 46 who we made friends with. Peter & Petra live in St Lucia. I had a problem with a tooth and so before we had arrived in Rodney Bay I had contacted them to see if they could recommend a dentist. They were very helpful and put me in touch with a local guy who fixed my tooth on the day we arrived. On Friday evening they also directed us towards the local bar’s happy hour and after a delightful beer or three we all went along to the ‘jump up’ in Gros Islet. This is a small village near to the marina that has a number of bars and restaurants. On every other Friday they put together a street party with local bands, barbecued food and considerable quantities of alcohol. There was a large crowd there with a broad range of holidaymakers and locals enjoying themselves. On Saturday I did some maintenance work on the boats engine, which entailed several hours squeezing myself into some very small places. Unfortunately this caused the knee injury I had sustained in Grenada to flare up again, so by Sunday I was unable to walk without some discomfort. The problem stayed with me for several days so after a few days I decided to see a doctor at the local hospital. X-Rays and MRI scans followed with the eventual diagnosis that I had torn one of the menisci in my knee. The good news was that it should eventually heal itself but I have to take it easy for a while. So most of our stay in Rodney Bay entailed either travelling to and from the hospital in the local buses or sitting on the boat resting my leg. |