Position update Jan 2

Ocean Gem
Geoff & Eileen Mander
Wed 2 Jan 2013 12:00
Date: Wednesday 2nd January 2013
Time: Noon (local)
Yesterday was still overcast so the solar panels were unable to offer much
help to the batteries. The wind continued to come from the ENE at around 20
knots, although it moderated for most of the night. The moon didn't rise
till late so the early part of the night was very dark. We were treated to
a quite dazzling display of phosphorescence. A turbulent trail of rolling
bright green water extended beyond the stern for maybe 3 or 4 boat lengths
and on each side it looked as though chinese lanterns were suspended in the
water at about six feet of depth. All very spectacular. This morning the
wind has increased to just over 20 knots and the sun is shining.