Friday 9th December

Fri 9 Dec 2005 17:11
Title: Message
Position: Berth A58 Rodney Bay Marina
Hang over and cleaning day!
Last night was a lot of fun. We met all of the crews that had come in at the Yacht Club party last night and enjoyed exchanging all of our stories from the crossing.
It was amazing how we all shared so many similar experiences. We had a few beers with the owner and skipper of Spellbound which is the only boat we saw mid Atlantic and agreed to exchange the photographs we had taken of each others boats. They had done exceptionally well since we crossed paths and look like they could even win.
Ron, Ian and Andy sat on deck early in the morning and watched as the crew from Shalan, who arrived earlier that morning, were downing a few beers for breakfast, their sea legs only just helping them stagger back to their boat.
At breakfast we bumped into the skipper of La Royair, Thierry, another Benateau 57 like ours which is a Sunsail charter yacht. He had paying guests to look after one of which had been sea sick for 14 of the 18 day voyage!
We had beaten them in over the water and had taken the same northerly route as them.
The big clean up started late morning and everyone did a great job getting the boat back to it's normal polished standards. The deck lockers were stripped and dried out, decks scrubbed and cabins tidied and vacuumed. Laundry was sent off to the cleaners and we were beginning to look ship shape.
Ron and Andy set off for the chandlery to purchase the spare parts required to start the running repairs and soon we had the mast monkey (Chaz) hooked up and ready to go up the mast. When we brought the main halliard down (The rope that holds up the main sail) to hook onto him we noticed that it had worn through at the main stress point at the top of the mast and was very close to breaking. We were very lucky that this had not happened at sea! Another repair to fix.
Later in the day we met Laurence the skipper and Andrew the owner  of Charliz also a Benateau 57. They were in a day before us and we had a lot of laughs with them over a long afternoons session in the bar. This was the boat we had chased across the Atlantic. They were always ahead of us but we had taken an identical route to them and they were the boat that motivated us every day to catch. It turns out that they are also based in Palma and we anticipate having a few more races and beers with them when we all get back to Europe next year.
More and more boats were arriving in during the day and early evening and we were up to about 55 boats in by the time we ventured out for dinner. The Charliz crew joined us for a steak at The Big Chef Steak house in Rodney Bay. Del Boy took us there by water taxi, we think he will be guide for the time we are here in St Lucia, every time we move he is there offering to take us somewhere!
Ron had stayed in for the night and had set about fixing the air conditioning which did not appear to be working. After 4 hours sweating away at it he found an isolator switch under the main cabin bench that just needed turning on!
After dinner it was bed for Bails who had not slept for two nights and the rest of the crew were off to Scuttlebutts for more lemonades!
Nowcrew out.