Saturday 19th August
Sat 19 Nov 2005 10:10
A morning update
today. Skippers had us all up early, even Tollers, to do the last minute
preparations before the big day. Yesterday was hard graft with the
extended crew all muckin' in and getting the final major prep jobs
This is a pic of the
preparation of the the fruit and veg, Las Palmas quay side. Thanks for your
help Denise!
Yes we took over the
whole of quay 12 for a few hours doing this job!
Nico and Chaz
scrubbed the decks while Ian and Andy gave the cabins and galley a good clean
and sort out. Don't worry Babs the boat will be leaving all shinny and
Met the crew from
the boat "About Time" last night who popped over for a couple of sundowners.
Good luck with your crossing Patrick and Eamon. I still think your mate was a
portly Billy Bragg in disguise!
We all had a few
jars at the ARC party after that so there are a few groggy heads about
this morning. We made the mistake of befriending the only boat crewed entirely
by amputees. They are all ex-forces, mostly with false legs so the usual jokes
about being legless were flying about. One asked Tom early in the evening
if he would like to join their crew as they had a good looking young lady
aboard? As soon as he accepted they all shouted, ok off with his leg!! Top
night lads, we bet our heads are in better shape than yours
The new Sat phone
arrived with DT last night so we are happily linked up to the rest of the world
again.(Thanks again to our mate Dunny) For all our families the phone
number is exactly the as the old one.
Last update before
we set sail tomorrow.