Galapagos to Marquesas
Dransfields on the high seas
John and Helen Dransfield
Thu 29 Apr 2010 08:43
What an adventure since our last post! All had been going brilliantly with
perfect trade wind sailing and we were feeling rather pleased with ourselves
at our good speed. Until disaster struck!!
To our horror with 800nm to go our autopilot course computer blew up so we
had to hand-steer. Then we snapped a D2 and almost lost the mast so we jury
rigged some ropes up to the second spreaders and reduced sail for the last
We reached Hiva Oa in the Marquesas last Friday after a fast passage of 16.4
and were very relieved to be a nice safe quiet anchorage.
Fortunately, some friends off another boat have given us their spare course
computer so we're OK again now. Helen's brother is making new D2's for us in
Melbourne and shipping them to Nuka Hiva so we should be back on the road
again in a week or so to head to the Tuomotos.
For now we will potter short distances amongst the Marquesas. We departed
Hiva Oa early this morning and are en route to Ua Poa about 70nm away.
Hopefully we'll get in before dark. It is very exciting to have the
Autopilot back again. The kids are in good form enjoying being closer to
land again. Until next time, a bientot!!