09:09.16S 131:46.0W Towards the Marquesas (6)

Fri 23 Apr 2010 23:40
Here we are on Friday pm having had a siesta under
the bimini . Last night we had a fantastic sunset 360 degrees of amazing
colour & on the night watch shooting stars!!. We had rather a lack of wind
this morning so had the engine going for a few hours which is a very boring
noise but now we are under sail again which is a relief. We have had some
halyard problems which hopefully Meryon will solve once we are at anchor by
shinning up the mast. Bit tricky to anchor at the moment in a depth of 6 miles
or so.!! We are now estimating arriving on the Marqueses sometime on monday
which means we can stop one of the more unattractive fetures of ocean sailing 3
hour watches through the night. The food has on the whole been excellent; Meryon
produced home made bread for lunch which didnot taste anything like Hovis but
was a welcome change from Ryvita & water biscuits. We are very much looking
forward to trying the Marqueses cooking; the lonely hearts guide mentions
certain specialities including goat which will be a first for some of us.. This
trip is no doubt doing our livers a world of good. Often no alcohol but lots of
squash called tang which we found in the galapagos in powder form We are allowed
as a speciat treat the odd G & T But it is strictly rationed.Hopefully there
will be a pub/bar when we arrive. A pint of your best squire may not be
understood but beer is understood in most of the world. Peter reckons he is more
or less fluent in french so assume that is the lingo they speak we should be
alright.Otherwise speak loudly in english like the rest of us do!!.Hopefully the
next blog will confirm we have arrived so our readers can