07:41.0S 124:34.2W Towards the Marquesas (5)

Tue 20 Apr 2010 22:11
Flying fish in the cockpit this morning ! The
weather has been remarkably constant giving us good speed and an not very
comfortable ride...making cooking a challengre for everybody. Frozen
stores remain good but most fresh food has now been consumed so we have
started into the huge inventory of tinned and packaged food. Hungry we
will not be. ...
Now that we are getting on for three quarters of
the way across the Pacific conversation is turning to what we might do when we
reach the Marquesas. As we we are expected to have a few days in hand we
aim to visit the 3 islands which read very well in the guides we
We are all consuming books at a prodigious rate and
luckily there is a good library on board. If any of us are naughty boys
and had to do porridge...crossing the Pacific is a a foretaste of what it may be
like !
So we are well and truly into a relaxed rhythm of
life on board a well lmanaged boat....but to sail around an island and
experience wind from different directions...that will be really