a fistfull of dollars
Mike Dunning
Sun 18 Dec 2011 12:52
Today we hooked a fish and i fumbled the reel controls – lost the fish and
created the most humungous birds nest in the reel. This excellent reel it has to
be said was my 50th b;day present from brother who i could tell went into
immediate pouty lip disapproval at my piscatorial trapping ineptitude.
Fortunately the reliable Jan came to rescue and worked on the reel for 5 hours
to unwind said nest.
This could be our last full day at sea and we hope to spot land tomorrow –
its quite hard to fathom (pun excused) it all at this stage – we are all quite
excited and jabbering like idiots. We haver all sails up in weak wind conditions
so we will see how it unravels but hopefully the next entry from us will be from
Nelsons Dockyard with a large cold pint of beer in our hands.