Ed Dolman
Thu 26 Nov 2009 16:14
Dear Readers,
Still going well after a pretty uneventful 36
hours. The wind is a constant 15-20 knots and the swell is much less. Strangely,
the wind and the swell seem more variable, both in direction and strength, in
the night despite all the advice that there would not be much diurnal change.
Apparently, we are currently first in our class (keep an eye on the ARC
website). As there is not much else to tell you, here is a report on the
wildlife spotted so far - not a lot! Apart from a few birds, we have
seen some dolphins (Dave in the night), a shark(?!) (Pete) and some flying fish
(All). Dave nearly caught another fish but it was so big (allegedly) that
it snapped the line before he could get the brake off the reel. One lure
down. Dave and Tony have just spent a pleasant couple of hours taking the
forward heads (toilets for the landlubbers amongst you) to bits to
find out why the pump was so stiff and discovered one of the non-return
valves in the pipeline was virtually blocked with limescale. It could have been
much worse! All back together and working fine! It's still sunny (with a
bit of cloud), 28C and the barometer is still reading 1027mb (which it has been
since we left on Sunday). Hope all is well with you all back in the not so sunny
UK. 26/11/09.