St Vincent - Wallilabou
Harry Watson Smith
Sun 6 Jan 2013 20:36
It is time to move north out of the security of Admiralty Bay and on to the main island of St Vincent. We had been warned of the fierce current and confused seas between Bequia and St vincent similar to those we encountered when we arrived at night. However when we put our nose out from around the point and pulled up the main all we found was 15 to 18 knots of wind and a slight swell. It was ideal sailing weather for the 16 nm to a small bay we had chosen to stay the night. But first we stopped in at Petit Byahaut to see if we could stop there but it was too small and the swell was rolling in. We motored in the relative calm north along the coast to Wallilabou. When we were at the entrance to the bay a fellow - Alex approached and offered us advice and a mooring buoy. We declined the mooring and said we would Med moor with a line ashore. we dropped the anchor in about 18 m of water and went astern. The trusty floating polypropylene line came out again and we were soon secure in the anchorage. A few EC to Alex and we were all happy.
Next was to secure a lobster. Soon a boat appeared with a wide selection varying in size from small to huge. I chose one, negotiated a price and took it on board. The fellow did not have change for the note I gave him so we agreed that he would return with my change after making a few sales.
He returned twice to the bay but ignored my calls to give me my change so on the third time I took the RIB over and came alongside asking for my change. He said he did not have any showing me two 100 and a 50. Well after a small but kind encouragement he produced a note for my change but not the right amount. With further inducement he found the exact change and handed it over to me. The other boat boys saw the financial transaction and as I drove away I got cheers of encouragement. That boat was not from this bay's village and they did not like the interlopers.
The next day as I walked on the dock I was greeted with smiles and laughs about the financial transaction. They were pleased someone had at last highlighted the dodge practice which these fellows seem to pull almost every day! It gave the locals a bad name.
Just another magical moment on Malua