Atlantic Crossing Day 10

Harry Watson Smith
Thu 29 Nov 2012 16:47
Malua is at 16:59.7N 31:47.0W at 0600 UTC on 29/11/2012
Distance covered 1225
Distance to go 1639
Days run 151 nm
Since we changed to a main and a poled out genoa we have increased our
speed, the sea has gone down and the boat is not jumping around as much and we
have increased our daily run to a healthy 151 nm above average.
We did not do much except read and sit around although around lunch time we
put out the fishing lures and hauled in two rather nice wahi wahi – small but
rather good. Piers got two smaller ones which we let return to the deep
after their sleigh run to Malua. While I was reeling in the fish which I
do from the port cockpit rail I lifted the rod, the fish rose up in the
following swell and before I knew it the line was in the wind generator going
round and round dragging more line from the reel. A quick grab at the
safety knife at the wheel cut the line and a dive for the other end ensured we
saved the fish for the pan. I had to stop the blades to untangle the line
from the shaft and last quite a lot of line so now I have a knot at a critical
point in the line – oh well the big one may just get away.
We are now 16 degrees west of Greenwich and the time has moved on so we set
our deck clock to advance one hour. We still record everything in GMT time
but my watch starts at 9:00 pm an hour later. It suits be better for I
have some time after supper to settle down before it get dark.
Just before lunch a yacht appeared out of no where on the port
quarter. I could not see them on the AIS so I hailed them on VHF ch
16. They turned out to be a Norwegian vessel CU @ Sea on their
way to Barbados. We said we would keep in touch but before you knew it they had
disappeared over the horizon.
A magical moment on Malua |